transactional morality

To some people, having done something wrong means they are in debt.

And a certain type of person takes this very literally: It means they have a debt they must pay, 

AND it means that if they have paid that debt, they must be forgiven: they must be viewed as completely ok, redempted… Indeed it is then immoral of the other not to view them as morally clean.

Who thinks like this? What kind of people live their practical morality along these lines?

Consider a small business. Occasionally a bad man comes by and only leaves after they’ve given him enough money…


Crime guilds are illegal. How does this illegality make them function?

Could a crime guild be legal?


To me, doing philosophy means finding new paths to previously unimagined treasures. 

By this I mean not just different paths, paths along different routes, and not just bigger treasures. I mean entirely new sets of possible paths that work differently to previously used paths – to treasure also of a new type, treasure that people focused on known types of treasures couldn’t even recognise or imagine.



reality: What is it? What determines its identity?

  Do things ever feel more real than in a moment of danger? And what feels more real than that which exerts fear and unease on us?

   Does anything influence the structure of our reality more than its threats and our choices of how to handle them?

  What do we do with a danger that is too strange to be understood? How do we try to deal with it – With what mindset and method do we try to face it?

  The threats that instill the most fear are those right at the edge of our reality – close enough to sense but too strange to understand and integrate.

  What is there that can be sensed but cannot be quantified, cannot be reduced – and how does it relate to reality?


summer 22, reading the Dawn of Everything, re. p. 159 on sacred & private property:

maybe history has in fact not whitnessed a de-sacralization, but instead a total sacralization:

[transitioning over millenia] from the sacred being limited to special rituals     to the abstract god’s sanctity: omnipresent locally and temporally, extending down to every man & thing through the sacred rational structure/institution called law

thus replacing the functional, informal {property/safety/freedom}-{ensuring/producing} relationship of inter-personal trust with the alienating/particularizing individual connection to [quasi/de-facto ]monotheistically centralized law … culminating historically in the abstract sacral legal structure of money

– of course, single entities can no longer be sacred per se, but instead only relative to their connection to the one god – i.e. through their ‘value’… 

(…and historically this relation spreads automatically, through commerce and rational governance, to everything and anything that exists in [mainstream culture’s consensus ]reality… and once it becomes global and total, it is no longer noticeable that our reality has this sacral, magical property.


The main function* of the news is to distract cogs in the machine from noticing that their life[, i.e. their experience[ and world]] has adopted a structure that fits their function;  – that their life is vastly less interesting than it could be and that nothing new is happening[/being experienced] on the global level that will change this state of affairs – that they are basically idling.

*function in this sense doesn’t imply that the machine or news writers are aware of this. Rather: the machine, due to its structure, self-selects for cogs/parts that fit: for individuals and [news-]organisations that do this.


the deeper i understand,

the less i understand.

the more deeply I understand – the higher the dimensionality of my model,

the fewer things I see clearly.

could it be any other way? why do i believe it won’t end in blindness?