a re-formulation:*
When one senses or feels an idea that isn’t quite here yet – in other words when one notices the subliminal presence of a coming idea that is as yet un-finished:
Instead of following the urge to [try to] pull it up into consciousness by force of will, one should patiently wait while it gradually fills itself out and one day pushes itself up [through one’s mind] into consciousness – sprouting up like a perfect young plant – & only then look at it directly, and unleash one’s curiosity on it.
And I think this is an important part of philosophical training: practicing remaining calm when one has an intuition of an unfinished idea instead of reacting by forcing some abstraction process in an attempt to quickly arrive at an explicit thought.
*Some of my notes are re-formulations of existing notes: just some subtly different formulation or aspect of an already noted idea.