freudian [meta-]philosophy
[true] philosophy is always about (re-)connecting and reconciling [conscious] thought and feeling/emotion.
So, this isn’t simple opposition to abstract thought/conception and logical reasoning and an attempt to dissolve or abandon it,
but rather:
[a process of] changing/developing concepts until they are such that they no longer re-direct nor ultimately repress the unconscious – aren’t at war with desire / love / creative energy… Which maybe means concepts that don’t sublimate, or that only sublimate in a perfect sense, a form of sublimation that retains full meaning/substance without any dispersal of energy/potential, without any repression of the unconscious, without any loss of love…and such concepts aren’t [purely] conservative – when in place, such concepts increase meaning, enabling an expansion of experience…
And this conceptual development is a process of dialectical philosophy, as opposed to a process of the usual binary categories of rationalism… the dialectical process produces concepts that aren’t material, i.e. that are not and cannot be used as material for reductionist abstraction – that cannot serve as tools of repression/Verdrängung…
to produce a reality that is not determined by the repression required by a specific society, but instead is rooted in life and flows from below